Dec 4, 2021 | Career and College-Readiness

It’s that time of the year again – The Holidays!!! The time of year where people try to put aside their differences and help take care of one another as best they can. A time to stop thinking about one’s own self, and to start worrying about others. Here at the Avondale campus, the staff decided to get together and pick several (4) students and their families out based on previous conversations, family situations at home, and a financial need, and we decided to make Thanksgiving baskets and feed some of our less fortunate students and families.

In keeping with privacy, only one of our students (pictured with Mr. Mercier) consented to taking a picture when he received the basket of food. Our staff at Avondale is fully connected to our student population on the campus, and we strive day-in and day-out to do what’s best for our students, no matter what! This Thanksgiving holiday basket drive gave our staff the opportunity to show our students exactly how much we care and think about them, and how we put them ahead of our selfish wants and needs.

And next year we’re going to give away 40 Thanksgiving baskets!!! There’s absolutely NO REASON why any of our ThrivePoint students and their families should go hungry during the holidays. As for the upcoming holidays at the end of December, the Avondale campus staff and student population have decided to start a canned food and toy/gift exchange. In partnership with the Phoenix Children’s Hospital, the Avondale campus will be donating and collecting non-perishable food items, and new, un-opened and unwrapped toys/gifts to be donated to a local food shelter and the Children’s Hospital were severely ill children will receive new gifts while they are admitted to the hospital during the holidays. All of the donations will be made on behalf of the Avondale campus of ThrivePoint High School, and if any of you would like to donate toys or food, please reach out to our campus and coordinate a date and time for pick-up or drop-off.

Happy holidays everyone!!