Summer School Enrollment Form
Enrollment Form
Disclosure: ThrivePoint High School is a non-sectarian, publicly-funded group of charter schools and does not discriminate in its enrollment or hiring practices on the basis of gender, race, religion, or ethnic origin, color or disability.
Students free to be themselves
work for their dreams.
ThrivePoint High School is a free charter school that offers an excellent alternative opportunity for high school completion
ThrivePoint High School is a non-sectarian, publicly-funded group of charter schools and does not discriminate in its enrollment or hiring practices on the basis of gender, race, religion, or ethnic origin, color or disability.
Students free to be themselves
work for their dreams.
ThrivePoint High School is a free charter school that offers an excellent alternative opportunity for high school completion
ThrivePoint High School is a non-sectarian, publicly-funded group of charter schools and does not discriminate in its enrollment or hiring practices on the basis of gender, race, religion, or ethnic origin, color or disability.