Anti-Bullying Policy
There are three basic types of abuse that fall within the definition of bullying; physical, verbal, and emotional bullying, also referred to as relational bullying. ThrivePoint High School has a zero tolerance policy for bullying.
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services defines bullying as “unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.”
Thrivepoint’s Anti-Bullying Policy
At ThrivePoint High School, have a simple approach when it comes to bullying. Zero-tolerance. We strive to ensure that every student feels welcomed in a supportive, caring, and safe environment without the fear of being bullied. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all definition of bullying as it can take many forms. It can individualized or it can be a chain reaction that affects the entire school in one way or another. All ThrivePoint High School staff are committed to providing a safe, relaxed and calm environment that is conducive to learning and preparing for the future.
Any form or level of bullying is prohibited and every incident that takes place is taken with complete seriousness by our school administrators, staff (which includes counselors and teachers), other students, and their families.

“Bullying is a Broad Term, What Do You Mean Exactly?”

Effects: (These issues unfortunately may persist into adulthood.)

Types of bullying:

We extend our policies to the Internet, as well.

Relationship between bullying and suicide.

Sources for HELP: Where can students turn to after experience bullying or the threat of bullying?

Our Staff Is Trained To:
Additional Bullying Resources

Arizona Department of Health Services

Arizona Department of Education

Casa Center for Positive Social Change
“The Power of YOU” is a school-based bullying prevention program that targets the roots of bullying, abuse and violence by boosting core emotional intelligence competencies in children, youth and the important adults in their lives. Rather than focusing on a particular problem (like “bullying” “dating violence” or “sexual abuse”) the program focuses on building positive behaviors and reducing negative behaviors.

It’s Good 2B Good
Founded by Sandra Zerner, M.Ed. in 2002, dedicated to helping kids recognize the power of doing good. Presentations, interactive tools and the book It’s Good 2B Good are designed to help kids, teachers and parents bring out inner qualities of compassion, empathy and kindness.

Karstadt Taekwon-Do (Az Kicks) ITF
Bully Buster Training covers the bullying process, identifying a bully, setting boundaries, types of bullying, simple and clear action steps to take if bullied, self-defense tips and more.

notMYkid • 602-652-0163 •

Teen Lifeline
Peer counseling suicide hotline, bullying prevention curriculum.

The Be O.N.E. (Open to New Experiences) Project •
Local community building and anti-bullying prevention program created by Phoenix student Matthew Kaplan. An interactive four-hour presentation designed for middle school students (grades 5-8) that harnesses the power of positive peer pressure to create an inclusive and positive school environment.